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Where can I find FAQ’s specific for Legacy Preschool?
You can find out more information about preschool by clicking here.

What are Legacy Academy's school hours?
Carline Drop Off:  8:15-8:30AM
School Day:  8:30-3:45PM
Carline Pick Up:  3:45-4:00PM
Optional Early Kindergarten Dismissal: 2:00PM

Does Legacy Academy have before and after school programs?
Before school care starts at 7:30AM. After school co-curricular programs runs from 3:45PM to 5:30PM.

How many students are enrolled at Legacy?
During the 2024/25 school year, we have over 230 students at both the Preschool and Academy.

How many students are in each class?
For kindergarten and up, our maximum class size is 18 students. Our kindergarten program has 2 classes and offers an early dismissal option at 2pm.

Is Legacy Academy accredited?
Legacy Academy has moved from being a member to a preferred candidate for accreditation for the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) and remains a member of the Classical Latin School Association (CLSA).

Is Legacy Academy and Preschool associated with a particular church or denomination?
Legacy was formed under the direction of the First Baptist Church of Branson. However, Legacy is an inter-denominational Christian school. At this time our families attend 25 different churches throughout the Branson area.

Do you have to be a Christian to attend Legacy?
Legacy Academy operates on the covenant-model of Christian school admission, meaning that parents are active, professing Christians, involved in a local church. Partnership with parents is central to Legacy’s mission statement, providing students with a consistent commitment to the truth of Scripture whether they are at home or at school. However, Legacy Preschool welcomes and serves the entire Branson area community.

Do you have to attend a church to enroll at Legacy Academy?
Yes, Scripture instructs believers to be in regular fellowship with other believers (Hebrews 10:25).

At what age can a child begin attending Legacy Academy?
Students must be 5 years old by July 31st to be eligible for Kindergarten.

Does Legacy Academy offer tuition assistance?
Legacy Academy offers limited financial aid. After the first year of enrollment, financial assistance applications are submitted through our Financial Aid Assessment Program.

Do you have chapel?
Legacy Academy students currently attend chapel once a month. We believe chapels are great for building the Christ-centered culture of the school, but the most important discipleship takes place in our daily morning pledges, prayers, and devotionals as well as daily integration of Scripture and faith into all academic studies and habits.

I am interested in enrolling a student who has never studied Latin. How do you help prepare students to join their grade in Latin?
This is not a problem! We have many students who come to Legacy with no prior study in Latin. Younger students adapt very quickly as we integrate Latin slowly. Older students benefit from slowly building skills without the pressure of expecting the same as others studying it longer. We even have additional Latin tutoring available if necessary!

What high school sports will Legacy Academy offer?
Legacy will have a high school athletics program. Currently, we offer volleyball, basketball, golf, archery and cross-country for girls and boys grade 3-8. 

Do Legacy Academy students wear uniforms?
Yes, we have a uniform policy and all uniforms are purchased through Lands End or Works of Art. Preschool does not require uniforms but we do have Legacy Cubs t-shirts available through Works of Art.

Does Legacy Academy offer Physical Education, Music, and Art?
Yes, beginning in kindergarten, our students have all of these at least once a week.

What is Legacy’s technology use policy?
Legacy Academy is a low-tech school by design. The effective implementation of comprehensive classical curriculum does not require the use of technology. Additionally, there are significant concerns related to the overuse of technology by children. Thus, Legacy will only use technology for a clearly designed purpose and for a set amount of time, which will be primarily fo typing papers in upper grades. Legacy also works with parents and professionals to offer after school and summer courses for students interested in coding, typing, and healthy life with technology.